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Selenite Specimens

Selenite, satin spar, desert rose, and gypsum flower are four varieties of gypsum; all four varieties show obvious crystalline structure. The four "crystalline" varieties of gypsum are sometimes grouped together and called selenite.

All varieties of gypsum, including selenite and alabaster, are a very soft mineral(hardness: 2 on Mohs Scale) composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate (meaning has two molecules of water), with the chemical formula CaSO4·2H2O.

The most important identifying characteristic is how soft gypsum is, as any variety of gypsum can be easily scratched with a fingernail. Also because gypsum has natural insulating properties, all varieties feel warm to the touch.

Item# MSSE001
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Beautiful sand-included specimen from the Oklahoma Great Salt Plains State Park in Jet, Oklahoma.  Approx. Size: 55x63x56  Weight: 41.3 grams

Item# MSSE002
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This is really a superb specimen from The Oklahoma Great Salt Flats State Park in Jet, Oklahoma.  Honestly, I had a hard time putting this one up for sale instead of keeping it for myself!  Approx. size: 48x42x54  Weight: 30.2 Grams

Item# MSSE003
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Three single crystals from Jet, Oklahoma that display the sand hourglass within the crystal that occurs only from this classic location.  Largest crystal is 56mm long and together they weigh an even 8 grams.

Item# MSSE004
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Beautiful and delicate twin crystal from Jet, Ok.  Both sides contain the hourglass-shaped sand inclusions that make specimens from this location so unique.  Approx. size: 39x20x22  Weight: 6.6 grams