Walking Staves

My eight year old daughter, Eris, was hanging out with me one day while I working on staves and she
told me that I made the best "wizard staffs" she ever saw, and she thought that wizards from all over the country would want
to buy one of my staves. So.....if you're a wizard and you can cast a spell with one of my staves, I'll give you a discount
on the price. The better the spell, the better the discount! Subject to my own (or Eris') discretion of course.
If you're in the Greater Chicagoland Area, you can find my creations for sale at:
Manchu's Gallery in Aurora, Il.
Out on a Whim in Dekalb, Il.
Stone Embrace in Wheaton, Il.

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This is unique piece of sawtooth ash is 56" long and topped with a very, very cool glass cabochon. In
the long knot in the middle of the staff is set a double-terminated quartz crystal, and there are two goose feathers
hanging from the handle along with several decorative wooden beads.

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This purple staff is a little over 50" long and has a sparkling drusy amethyst cluster set in it's top.
Hanging from the handle is an assortment of of wooden and ceramic beads along with a wirewrapped fossil shark tooth.
The bottom has been reinforced with brass sheet to prevent splitting.

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Really nice, stout piece of poppel 54" long with a fantastic 30x40 bloodstone set into the top. Hanging from the
handle is some wild duck feathers, a sterling silver wire-wrapped quartz crystal and an assortment of wooden beads, including
some really cool hand-painted ones. As with all my staves, the bottom has been reinforced with brass plate to prevent

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Beautiful piece of sawtooth ash measuring 57½" tall. It has a polished quartz crystal mounted in the top and a
moss agate cabochon inlaid just below the crystal. Hanging from the handle is a cool assortment of beads and a wirewrapped

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This is my favorite staff of the ones I currently have in stock. It's an orangish piece of tag elder that's a little
over 53" tall. Set in the top is a petrified wood cabochon, and below that in the side, is set another petrified wood
cabochon made from different material. I believe the lower cab is petrified pine, the one on top I have no idea, but
it has a really cool pattern! Just above the handle is set a polished orthoceras fossil and hanging below the hadle
is an assortment of beads and an obsidian wirewrapped arrowhead. It's pretty easy to see why I like this one so much.

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Piece of white pine with some of the roots still attached and a drusy quartz cluster set in the top, measuring 57".
There's a nice quartz crystal set into a depression near the top and there's a wire-wrapped petrified shark tooth hanging
from the handle along with a hand-picked assortment of beads. There's also a sprinkling of gold leaf here and there
inside the depression.

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This is a great walking stick and one of my favorites of the one's I've made this year. There is some drusy amethyst
mounted into the top of the staff, and just underneath it is a fantastic cabochon of amethystine agate. No fooling,
this cab is truly magnificent! Hanging from the handle is a wire-wrapped arrowhead and a variety of matching wooden
beads, and the staff is about 46" long.

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Gnarly piece of sugar maple 50" long that has been studded with 14 baroque gemstones! Hanging from the handle is
a wire-wrapped arrowhead and an assortment of sand beads from Africa and hand-painted wooden beads. Magnificent!

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