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Moss Agate Cabochons

Moss agate is a semi-precious gemstone formed from silicon dioxide. This mineral is commonly found in limestone and granite. It is a form of agate which includes minerals of (usually, but not limited to) a green colour embedded in the chalcedony, forming filaments and other patterns suggestive of moss. It also sometimes resembles blue-cheese. The field is a clear or milky-white quartz, and the included minerals are mainly oxides of manganese or iron. Moss agate is of the white variety with green inclusions that resemble moss. It occurs in many locations. The colors are formed due to trace amounts of metal present as an impurity, such as chrome or iron. The metals can make different colors depending on their valence.

Despite its name, moss agate does not contain organic matter and is usually formed from weathered volcanic rocks.

Item# GCMO001
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Wow!  What a great cabochon!  Distinct red and yellow moss patterns accentuate this fairly large cab cut from material collected in Tres Hermanas, New Mexico.  This would make a great pendant or bracelet!  Approx. size: 33x23  Weight: 24.3 cts.

Item# GCMO002
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Beautiful red and yellow moss agate from an unknown location, but I think it might be from Tres Hermanas, New Mexico.  This is not a true cabochon as the top and sides are flat,  This is a beautiful piece that would work great for wire-wrapping, in fact, that's why I originally started cutting these flat that I could wire-wrap them.  Approx. size: 25x26  Weight: 34.65 cts.

Item# GCMO003
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Very cool teardrop cabochon cut from material imported from India.  The sparseness of the moss in this piece really makes the pattern stick out, creating one of the best cabs I have for sale, in my opinion.  Approx. size: 17x25  Weight: 12.3 cts.

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Item# GCMO004
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This freeform cab runs through colors from orange through all shades of green, to pink!  Cut from material collected at Maury Mountain, Oregon.  Approx. size:  25x33  Weight: 29.8 cts.