Lapis Lazuli Cabochons
Lapis lazuli is a rock composed of a mixture of several different minerals including lazurite, huaynite,
sodalite, noselite, calcite and pyrite. Diopside, augite, mica and hornblende may also be present in small amounts.
The name come from the Latin word for rock, lapis, and the Persian word for blue, lazure. Lapis Lazuli has been
highly valued for many thousands of years. The most famous locality for fine quality lapis lazuli is the same ancient deposit
high in the mountains of Afganistan where it was originally mined at least 6000 years ago. Lapis lazuli was often made into
jewelry, carvings, amulets and talismans which were believed to have occult powers. It was used by the ancient Egyptians in
many religious ceremonies, and was often used as an inscription stone for various passages from the Book of the Dead.

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This oval cab is kind of dark with some surface flaws in the polish. It was commercially cut in India from Afghani
material. Approx. size: 17x23 Weight: 22.15 cts.

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Round cabochon with a streak of black and lots of pyrite. It was commercially cut in India from Afghani material.
The backside was not fully polished. Approx. Size: 22mm Weight: 35.55 cts.

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This is a huge round cabochon cut in India from Afghani material. It has a rather large flaw that in all honesty
looks a lot worse in the photo than it does in person. Even with the flaw I would use it for a bracelet or belt buckle.
Approx. size: 38mm Weight: 132 cts.