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Green Onyx Rings

Onyx, sard, and sardonyx are all varieties of chalcedony (microcrystaline quartz). Onyx comes in brown, white, grey, and black. Sard is a reddish-brown variety. Sardonyx is a blend of sard and onyx with the red bands of sard and the white bands of onyx. Onyx, Sard and Sardonyx all have a hardness rating of 7.  Onyx is very similar to agate. Onyx has straight bands of brown, white or black; agate has curved lines of many colors. 
Since ancient times, onyx has been dyed to improve it's color.  The onyx on this page has been dyed to produce the brilliant green color of these gemstones.

Item# JRGO001
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Brlliant green 6x8 oval green onyx bezel mounted and set on a hammered size 8½ sterling silver band.