Diopside Rings
Black star diopside is generally a blackish or blackish green
color, rarely a
definite green. It is usually cut into round or oval cabochons which are
generally biconvex with a roughly shaped, unpolished base. The star
characteristically has a four rays, two of which are straight, while the other
two, not at right angles to the first pair, look slightly wavy (the crystal does
not, in fact, have fourfold symmetry). Star diopside has only binary symmetry, and the star has four rays, rather than six
like other star stones. . The gem sometimes contains
conspicuous needle- like crystals of magnetite and it is easily attracted by
a magnet. Star diopside comes mainly from India. Hence it's common name Black Star of India.

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This beautiful band ring with a 6x8 star diopside is a large size 13 and would make a great men's ring, or maybe a thumb
ring for her.
Now at
Bliss Beads