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Coral Rings

Coral is among the most ancient of gem materials, used for adornment since prehistoric times. Coral inlays and ornaments have been found in Celtic tombs from the Iron Age.  Coral is an organic gem, calcium carbonate with a trace of carotene, deposited by tiny sea creatures living in the depths of warm seas in huge colonies. It grows in branches that look like underwater trees. Most coral used in jewelry is found in the Mediterranean Sea or in the Pacific off Japan and Taiwan.  Coral is one of the seven treasures in Buddhist scriptures and Tibetan Lamas use coral rosaries.  When you say the word coral, most people think of the coral reefs in the South Pacific like the Great Barrier Reef off Australia. However, these coral reefs are formed by a different species than the coral traditionally used in jewelry.

Item# JRCO01
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Very pretty, petite 4mm round cab of pale pink coral mounted on a slim half-round band.  Very simple and elegant, with a bargain price besides!