Apatite Specimens
Apatite is actually three different minerals depending
on the predominance of either fluorine, chlorine or the hydroxyl group. These ions can freely substitute in the crystal lattice
and all three are usually present in every specimen although some specimens have been close to 100% in one or the other. The
rather non-inventive names of these minerals are Fluorapatite, Chlorapatite and Hydroxylapatite. The three are usually considered
together due to the difficulty in distinguishing them in hand samples using ordinary methods.
Apatite is widely distributed
in all rock types; igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic, but is usually just small disseminated grains or cryptocrystalline
fragments. Large well formed crystals though can be found in certain contact metamorphic rocks. Very gemmy crystals of apatite
can be cut as gems but the softness of apatite prevents wide distribution or acceptance of apatite as a gemstone.

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Nice green crystal piece with a few brown highlights from Bancroft Ontario, Canada. Mounted in a 1¼" perky
box. Approx. size: 9x9x12 Weight: 2.05 grams

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Pretty little yellow-green crystal piece from Bancroft, Ontario, Canada mounted in a 1¼" perky box. Approx.
size: 13x9x8 Weight: 2.1 gm.

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Incredibly beautiful dark green and brown terminated crystal from the classic location of Bancroft, Ontario, Canada mounted
in a 1¼" perky box. Approx. size: 14x13x10 Weight: 2.6 gm.

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