Copper Specimens
Copper is a reddish-brown nonferrous mineral which has been used for thousands of years by many cultures for a variety
of purposes. It is closely related to silver and gold and shares many properties with these metals. Modern life
has a number of applications for copper ranging from coins to pigments, and demand for copper remains high, especially
in industrialized countries. Arheological evidence suggests that copper is among the earliest metals used by man.
Numerous excavations all over the world indicate that copper was used to make utensils, jewelry and weapons. The metal
is highly ductile, meaning it can be easily worked and formed into a variety of shapes, including wire. For cultures
that had crude or minimal metalworking abilities, copper would have been easy to shape and work with. Copper is also
easy to alloy, and many of the earliest metal alloys used by humans contained copper, including bronze and brass. The
name of the metal comes from Kyprios, the ancient Greek name for Cyprus, which had highly productive copper mines and supplied the
useful metal to the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean. Copper is highly conductive of both
heat and electricity and many of copper's uses take advantage of these qualities.

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Spectacular piece of native copper in situ from the Champion Mine in Painesdale, Mi. Specimen has been lacquered
to prevent tarnishing. Approx. size: 129x82x85 Approx. weight: 1265 grams

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Very cool little specimen of native copper on reddish Kearsarge conglomerate from the Calument-Hecla Centennial #6 Mine
in Centennial, Mi. As is customary with these specimens, it has been lacquered to prevent tarnishing Approx. size:
40x31x20 Weight: 30.5 grams

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Interesting piece from the Champion Mine in Painesdale, Mi. on the southern end of the copper belt. This specimen
not only has nice chunks of native copper situated throughout the piece, but it is also liberally sprinkled with green epidote.
Approx. size: 92x35x30 Weight: 130.9 grams

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This is a fairly large piece from the Champion Mine in Painesdale, Mi. The host rock is rich in epidote
giving the whole specimen a pleasant green shade, and copper is visible on almost every surface of the piece. This rock
is very heavy for it's size and I'm sure it's FULL of copper and would probably make really good
cutting rough if someone wanted to do that with it instead. Approx. size:123x92x64 Weight: 1562 grams

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This is a really pretty little specimen from Mohawk, Mi. with well-formed sharp copper sticking out of the host rock
of quartz and rhyolite. Approx. size : 40x28x19 Weight: 20.3 grams

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I'm not sure what the host rock is on this specimen from the Mohawk Mine, Mohawk, north of Calumet, Mi. There is
copper foil all over the surface of the piece and it makes an attractive display. Approx. size: 105x58x24 Weight:
185 grams.

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This is a truly amazing, palm-sized (for me anyway) specimen from the Champion Mine in Painesdale, Mi. It's almost
a solid piece of copper with some quartz and gabbro host rock sticking around the surface. It has been lacquered to
prevent tarnishing. Great display piece! Approx. size:96x74x54 Weight: 362 grams

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Magnificient, cabinet-sized specimen of gabbro and quartz host rock that is just chock-full (Yes, that's a real word,
I just looked it up!) of native copper oozing out of almost every surface of the piece. From the Champion Mine in
Painesdale, Mi, just south of Houghton/Hancock. It has been lacquered to prevent tarnishing. This is a piece any
rock collector would be proud to own! Approx. size: 180x87x75 Weight: 1888 grams!

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This piece of gabbro host rock from the Champion Mine has a flat, plate-like shape to it with well-formed little
nuggets of native copper studded all along both sides. Because of the size, shape and formation, it makes a great cabinet
display piece! Approx. size: 140x110x25 Weight: 870 gr.

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Chunky piece of copper from the Champion Mine in Painesdale, Mi. Lacquered to prevent tarnishing. Approx.
size: 97x62x48 Weight: 639 gr.

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Splendid little native copper nugget from the Baltic Mine in Baltic, Mi. mounted in a 1¼" perky box. Approx.
size: 17x13x7 Weight: 5.7 gm.

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Great little native copper nugget from the Baltic Mine, Baltic, Mi. Approx. size: 20x9x9 Weight: 3.8 gm.

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Interesting little piece of native copper ore from the Baltic Mine in Baltic, Mi. mounted in a 1¼" perky box. Approx.
size: 18x18x10 Weight: 4.6 gm.

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Wonderful little thumbnail specimen of native copper nestled amongst a bed of calcite mounted in a 1¼" perky box.
Approx. size: 16x13x9 Weight: 2.25 gm.

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Arrowhead piece of copper foil from the Mohawk Mine in Mohawk, Mi. mounted in a 1¼" perky box. Approx. size:
23x12x1 Weight: .7 gm.

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Incredible copper foil piece form the Mohawk mine in Mohawk, Mi. mounted in a 1¼" perky box. Approx. size: 27x17x1
Weight: 1.3 gm.

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Buy one bunch of daisies - get the second bunch at half price. For best results, give them plenty of sun, frequent watering,
and regular fertilization.

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