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Marcasite/Pyrite Specimens

Pyrite crystal usually forms as a cube with fine ridges (striations) on the crystal's faces. Less commonly, it forms as octahedrons (eight-sided shapes), nodules, or massive forms. It can also occur as coarse granules.

Pyrite is the classic "Fool's Gold". There are other shiny brassy yellow minerals, but pyrite is by far the most common and the most often mistaken for gold. Whether it is the golden look or something else, pyrite is a favorite among rock collectors. It can have a beautiful luster and interesting crystals. It is so common in the earth's crust that it is found in almost every possible environment, hence it has a vast number of forms and varieties. Pyrite is harder, less dense, and more brittle than gold. It leaves a greenish-black streak while gold leaves a golden-yellow one. However, pyrite is often associated with the presence of gold and copper, and locating fool's gold may mean the real thing isn't far off. 

 Pyrite is a polymorph of marcasite, which means that it has the same chemistry, FeS2, as marcasite; but a different structure and therefore different symmetry and crystal shapes. Pyrite is difficult to distinguish from marcasite when a lack of clear indicators exists.

Item# MSMP-003
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This is the best of three miniatures that I found one day I went out collecting west of Felch, Mi., and I mounted it in a labelled perky box.   Approx. size: 20x15x12  Weight: 3.3 grams

Item# MSMP-006
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Charming piece from the Larson Quarry in Sycamore, Illinois with drusy quartz and marcasite/pyrite crystals resting on a drusy bed of tannish calcite.  The bottom of this specimen has been sawn flat.  Approx. size: 69x58x43  Weight: 243.9 grams

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Item# MSMP-007
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Beautiful sparkling golden crytals of marcasite/pyrite sitting on a bed of drusy tan calcite, from the Larson Quarry in Sycamore, Il.  Approx. size: 56x55x39  Weight: 196.3 grams

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Item# MSMP-008
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This is an incredible little crystal cluster from The Glory Hole Mine in Central City, Co. a well-known, and now closed location that has been completely reclaimed.  I was out there several years ago after the reclamation and couldn't find anything but a few very, very small (2-3mm) pyrite cubes laying here in there in the dirt.  Approx. size: 15x4x10  Weight: 3.7 gm.

Item# MSMP-009
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Unique mounted thumbnail specimen of crytalline pyrite from Beaver Creek Beach, Oregon.  Approx. size: 17x17x15  Weight: 9 gm.

Item# MSMP-010
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Splendid little mounted specimen of crystalline pyrite from Beaver Creek Beach, Oregon.  Approx. size: 26x15x13  Weight: 12.6 gm.

Item# MSMP-011
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Gorgeous cluster of pyrite crystals from the classic location of Huaron Mining District, Pasco Province, Peru.  Approx. size: 42x34x30  Weight: 108.6 gm.

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Item# MSMP-012
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Nice little cluster of pyrite cyrsyals studded with sphalerite from the classic location of the Huaron Mining District, Pasco province, Peru.  Approx. size: 37x33x19  Weight: 62 gm.

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Item# MSMP-013
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Incredible cluster of pyrite and hematite crystal with a vein of micro quartz crystals running along one side.  This is a remarkable specimen collected back in the old mining days from the Homer Mine in Iron River, Mi.  Approx. size: 40x32x17  Weight: 33.6 gm.

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