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Rhodonite Bracelets

Rhodonite was named after the Greek word for rose, rhodon. It is in fact a Manganese Iron Magnesium Calcium Silicate.  Rhodonite has beautiful pink color, sometimes with spots and patterns of black.  There is a legend that says shortly after rhodonite was discovered in Russia, people noticed that great eagles which inhabited the Ural Mountains carried small pieces of rhodonite in their claws and put them into their nests. The peoples of the Urals started then to follow eagle’s example and put pieces of rhodonite into their babies’ cradles – in order to make babies grow as strong as mountain eagles.

Item# JBRH001
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Black and pink seed beads match the colors of the rhodonite chips used to make this pretty little beaded bracelet that also has a clear quartz charm hanging from the clasp.