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Rose Quartz Bracelets

Although rose quartz is usually too cloudy to be used as a facetted gemstone, a few exceptional pieces are found with enough clarity and color to make fine gems. Most gemmy rose quartz is used as cabochons where the clarity is not as important as the color. Rose quartz is also a very attractive ornamental stone and is carved into spheres, pyramids, obelisks, figurines and ornate statues.

Rose quartz is found in Madagascar, India, Germany, and several localities in the USA. Much rose quartz was extracted from a famous site near Custer, South Dakota, but now, most of the worlds supply of good quality rose quartz comes from Brazil.

Item# JBRQ001
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Beautiful pink and black seed beads with opalescent melon beads and a great little rose quartz heart as a centerpiece flanked by two more 4mm round rose quartz beads and two black pony beads, also has a hematite charm hanging from the clasp.

Item# JBRQ002
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Very pretty iridescent purple and gold seed beads with rose bead chips and a clear quartz crystal charm.