Banded Jasper Cabochons
I can't really tell you much about this material except that it comes from Mexico and has great striped
patterns in a variety of colors including brown, red, yellow and white. I bought several fist-sized pieces of this material
to polish on one side and sell as specimens and I was impressed enough to obtain more for cutting cabochons.

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Lot of three stones that I cut for rings or small pendants. The white spots in the photo are actually a part
of the stones and not dust as it looks. (To me anyway!) Approx sizes: 8x15 8x14 10x12 Weight: 7.1 cts. total

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Nice dark red striped triangular free-form cabochon of this striking material from Mexico. Approx. size: 14x18
Weight: 9.1 cts.

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This beautiful point has the great banded pattern that really impressed me about this material. Unfortunately, there
is a small flaw in the surface at the top of the stone in the rear. The line in the front on the top is just part of
the pattern. Approx. size: 5(3)x8x28 Weight: 9.75 cts.

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The bottom stone in the photo of this lot has a flaw along the edge. I'm pretty sure it will get covered up with
a bezel setting, but I'm going to throw it in for free. All three of these will make unique, conversation starting rings!
Approx. sizes: 8x9 7x11 8x13 Total Weight: 5.95 cts.

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Pretty little free-form that is composed of half quartz, giving this gem a one-of-a-kind appearance. Fascinating
little cabochon! Approx. size: 11x13 Weight: 5.95 cts.

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Noteworthy lot of three gemstones with great striped patterns and vivid colors. Great for making rings or
petite pendants. Approx. sizes: 5x7 7x12 10x12 Total weight: 6 cts.

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Radiant lot of two wonderful free-form triangles that would make awesome rings or pendants. These stones are almost
guaranteed to get a conversation started! Approx. sizes: 10x14 9x15 Total weight: 9.05 cts.

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Without a doubt, this is the best gemstone on this page! A really great oval with bright red color and prominent
striped pattern makes this a perfect candidate for a really wonderful piece of jewelry! Approx. size: 16x21 Weight:
14 cts.

Click on photo to enlarge in new window. |
Here's another wonderful lot of three stones perfect for rings. Lots of yellow in this lot! Approx. sizes:
6x10 8x11 7x12 Total weight: 6.50 cts.

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Very pretty free-form triagular shape with great red and white stripes. Approx. size: 10x15 Weight: 5.1 cts.

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This is a totally unique and wonderful gemstone that is going to make a extraordinary piece of jewelry. I can almost
guarantee that any ring made with this stone will sell right away! Approx. size: 6x27 Weight: 4.95 cts.

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Impressive oval cabochon with nice rish red tones and prominent stripes. This is simply a wonderful gem that would
compliment any type of setting! Approx. size: 12x17 Weight: 8.75 cts.