Hartsel Agate Cabochons
I collected this agate near the small town of Hartsel, Colorado after visiting the fee topaz mine in Tarryall
while traveling with my future ex-wife back in 1996. I had headed into the location because I read there was blue
agate in the area, which I did happen to find one 18 lb. piece of. We headed a little farther down the small dirt
road in hopes of finding more blue material, and found this interesting brown moss/plume agate instead. Some of this
did have small areas of translucent blue agate, but they were always very small and enclosed within the brown moss patterns.

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Really unique and interesting cabochon cut from material that, as far as I know, is offered nowhere else. Great
mossy, plume-like paterns ranging from orangish to dark brown in clear agate. Approx. size: 17x18 Weight: 16.8

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Nice brown mossy patterns on this opaque free-form. It's actually a lot darker in paerson than it is in the photo.
Approx. size: 16x26 Weight: 16.8 cts.