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Jaspilite Cabochons

This gemstone is a mixture of jasper and hematite and is fairly common where I currently live.  It's commonly striped and the jasper runs in colors from bright red through brown and black, I've even seen some yellow and white stripes.  There is also an oolitic variety with spots of shiny metallic hematite in the jasper.

Item# GCJA001
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Tear drop shaped cabochon cut from oolitic material from Randville, Mi.  After I too the photos of this gem, I noticed the small flaws in the band of hematite that runs across the top half of the cab.  Honestly, I didn't notice them at all in the actual stone as they are very small and don't show up well against the metallic sheen of the hematite.  Anyway, I discounted this cab as a result and it's entirely worth the price!  Approx. size: 17x28  Weight: 11.35 cts.

Item# GCJA002

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While there is black jaspilite, it's not real easy to find.  Here's a wonderful little cabochon of this spectacular material from Norway, Mi.  Approx. size: 10x15  Weight: 5.7 cts

Item# GCJA003
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Incredible little crystal-shaped jewelry point with bright red jasper and bands of metallic hematite.  Great pendant piece!  Approx. size: 4x5x23  Weight: 10.5 cts.

Item# GCJA004
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Two smaller stones that I cut to set into rings, but they would make great small pendants too!  These are bright red jasper with irregular hematite throughout cut from material I collected near Randville, Mi.  Approx. sizes: 6x12 9x12  Total Weight: 6.75 cts.