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Pidgeon Blood Agate Cabochons

This is some really, really beautiful clear agate with spots and veins of dark red running through it that in all honesty resembles blood.  It comes from Greenriver, Utah and from what I understand, is becoming quite rare.

Item# GCPB001
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Appealing free-form shape with impressive patterns running through clear agate.  Approx. size: 15x21  Weight: 14.35 cts.

Item# GCPB002
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Stupendous trianglur cabochon with intriguing, conversation starting patterns!  Approx. size: 15x16  Weight: 9.45 cts.

Item# GCPB003
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Without a doubt, this flat top, bezeled edge cabochon is the best one on the page!  It would look magnificent in an open-backed setting!  Approx. size: 10x19  Weight: 4.5 cts.

Item# GCPB004
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Very beautiful triangular cabochon with fantastic red patterns running through clear agate.  Approx. size: 14x21  Weight: 11.9 cts.

Item# GCBP005
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Wonderful little teardrop of cloudy, colorless agate with "blood" spots here and there around the gem.  Approx. size: 8x18  Weight: 3.75 cts.

Item# GCPB006
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This gem is shaped sort of like a chubby teardrop and has a very cool pattern of flowing red through the clear agate background. This stone looks a LOT better in person than in the photo.  If you're interested in it, I'd be happy to try and get better pictures!  Approx. size: 9x15  Weight: 5.4 cts.

Item# GCBP007
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This is another cab that looks much better in person and I would be more than happy to try and take some better photos for anyone interested.  There are a lot of tiny, minute red spots throughout the stone that don't show up in the picture, and the white spot on the bottom of the stone is actually there while the one on the top is just light reflection.  Approx. size: 9x12  Weight: 3.8 cts.