Analcime Specimens
Analcime or analcite (from the Greek analkimos - "weak") is a white, grey, or colourless
tectosilicate mineral. Analcime consists of hydrated sodium aluminum silicate in cubic crystalline form. Analcime
is usually classified as a zeolite mineral, but structurally and chemically it is more similar to the feldspathoids.
Analcime occurs as a primary mineral in analcime basalt and other alkaline igneous rocks. It also occurs as cavity
and vesicle fillings associated with prehnite, calcite, and other zeolites.

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Superb crystal from the Upper New Street Quarry in Patterson, N.J. This is a great specimen of this mineral
from a classic location! Approx. size: 36x28x18 Weight: 17.6 gm.

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