Ettringite Specimens
Ettringite is a hydrous calcium aluminum sulfate mineral with formula: Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12·26H2O.
It is a colorless to yellow mineral crystallizing in the trigonal system. The prismatic crystals are typically colorless,
turning white on partial dehydration. It was first described in 1874
for an occurrence near the Ettringer Bellerberg volcano, Ettringen,
Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. It occurs within
metamorphically altered limestone adjacent to igneous intrusive rocks or within xenoliths.

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Nice little yellow crystal perched upon a bed of tiny sparkly quartz crystals from the N'Chawning Mine, Hotazel, South
Africa. Interesting thumbnail mounted in a 1¼" perky box. Approx. size: 19x12x12 Weight: 2.9 gm.

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