Chabazite Specimens
Chabazite is a tectosilicate mineral of the zeolite group, closely related to gmelinite. Recognized varieties
include Chabazite-Ca, Chabazite-K, Chabazite-Na, and Chabazite-Sr, depending on the prominence of the indicated cation.
Chabazite crystallizes in the triclinic crystal system with typically rhombohedral shaped crystals that are pseudo-cubic.
The crystals are typically twinned, and both contact twinning and penetration twinning may be observed. They may be colorless,
white, orange, brown, pink, green, or yellow. The hardness ranges from 3 to 5 and the specific gravity from 2.0 to 2.2. The
luster is vitreous. It was named chabasie in 1792 by Bosc d'Antic and later changed to the current spelling. Chabazite
occurs most commonly in voids and amygdules in basaltic rocks.

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White, cubic double chabazite crystal sitting on a bed of sparkly clear quartz crystals. Great minature from the
classic Upper New Street Quarry in Patterson, NJ. Approx. size: 20x18x13 Weight: 2.9 gm.

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Small vug filled with dogtooth calcite and incredibly gemmy chabazite. There's even a few small pyrite crystals
scattered here and there over the chabazite. This is a truly amazing specimen from the legendary Upper New Street Quarry
in Patterson, NJ. The bottom and two sides have been sawn flat. Approx. size: 61x57x48 Weight: 271.4 gm.

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