Buffalo Gap Jasper Cabochons
This material was gathered in the area between the Badlands and the Black Hills in South Dakota. During
the annual buffalo migration in ages past the huge herds would funnel through this "gap." The Plains Indians tribes would
gather to hunt the buffalo during this annual migration. It is characterized by numerous colors including red, lavender,
yellow and white and spotted patterns, the spots usually no bigger than a pinhead, but not all the material has spots.

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Nice light purples and dark reds with a spotted like pattern. While this material does vary widely in color, almost
all of it has spots of some type, but they are usually smaller than the ones on this piece. Approx. size:21x37 Weight:
30.85 cts.

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This baroque teardrop has the spots so typical of this material. Approx. size: 16x39 Weight: 25.4 cts.

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This cab doesn't have the small spots like the others, but it does have a rich dark reddish/brownish/purplish
color to it. Very interesting piece! Approx. size: 22x35 Weight: 36.3 cts.

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Stupendously beautiful teardrop cabochon with rich colors in a fantastic pattern. This is definitely the best cab of
this material on the page! Approx. size: 18x30 Weight: 24.45 cts.

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Nice dark maroon teardrop with interesting faint spotty patterns. I really like this material and had a great time collecting
it back in the 80s! Approx. size: 17x21 Weight: 16.6 cts.

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OUtstanding free-form cabochon of this rarely seen material. This gem has exquisite colors and wonderfully
contrasting shades. Approx. size: 17x33 Weight: 29.2 cts.

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Unique triangular flat topped free-form with contrasting yellow and dirty purple shades and a crazy spotty pattern.
Approx. size: 15x23 Weight: 17.85