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Petrified Wood Cabochons

This was once normal wood that has been preserved for millions of years by the process of petrification. This process turns the wood into quartz crystal, making it harder than steel.

Petrified wood is known for its exquisite color and detail. Some pieces of petrified wood have retained the original cellular structure of the wood, and the grain can easily be seen. Petrified wood can be found throughout the desert regions of the western United States. It is easy to find and identify. It is used often in jewelry-making and for other types of decorative artwork

Item# GCPW001
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Warm, earthy brown colors in this opalized material from Washington state that's cut into a nice freeform long oval shape.  Approx. size: 17x38  Weight: 38.2 cts. 

Item# GCPW002
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Nice petrified oak with white bands contrasted against a rich, dark brown.  The pattern and colors kind of reminds me of cream swirling in dark coffee.   Approx. size: 21x24  Weight: 22.15 cts.

Item# GCPW003
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Not sure where this awesome material is from, but it's definitely petrified wood.  The wood grain is very distinct and I'm guessing that it might be oak.  This is really a great piece of petrified wood! Approx. size: 19x29  Weight: 18.75 cts.

Item# GCPW004
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This triangular cab was cut from the same opalized material as #GCPW001.  Has a nice red streak on one side. Approx. size: 15x29  Weight: 24 cts.

Item# GCPW005
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Awesome piece of petrified oak with great grain patterns.  Approx. size: 18x27  Weight: 16.7 cts.

Item# GCPW006
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There are nice soft browns and tans in this material of unknown origin.  While there are some grain patterns they aren't very distinct and I marked this cab down in price. Approx. size: 20x23 Weight: 23.5 cts.

Item# GCPW007
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This is a very dark piece of petrified oak that has great grain patterns.  Exceptional cabochon!  Approx. size: 14x24  Weight: 13.95 cts.

Item# GCPW008
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This cab was cut from the other end of the slab from #7 and is a little lighter in color.   The grain pattern comes out nicely in this photo.  Measures approx. 17x33.

Item# GCPW009
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Beautiful triangular cab of sunrise colors cut from material gathered from near the Petrified Forest National Monument in Arizona.  Approx. size: 19x27  Weight: 19.15 cts.

Item# GCPW010
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Another stone from the Petrified forest in Arizona.  This piece has some nice pastel purple and yellow shades.  I'm not sure whether to call it purple but several other people that I asked assured me that I could safely use purple to describe the color.  Approx. size: 14x35  Weight: 25.4 cts.


Item# GCPW011
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This cab was obviously cut from the same material as #GCPW010.  In fact they were right next to each other on the slab.  This cab is a bit bigger though.  Approx. size: 12x41 Weight: 31 cts.

Item# GCPW012
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This piece of petrified palm wood isn't actually a cabochon, but rather a point 38mm long and 5x8mm wide at the top.  These points make great pendants!  Weight: 11.85 cts.

Item# GCPW014
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Another piece of petrified palm wood cut into a point.  This one is orientated to give a striped pattern instead of a spotted one, and measures approx. 34mm in length and 4x6 at the top.  Weight: 9.25 cts.

Item# GCPW015
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One more point made of petrified palm wood.  This has the same coloration and pattern as #GCPW014.  Great for making pendants! Approx. size: 33x6x5  Weight: 9.3 cts.

Item# GCPW017
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This is really one stupendous cabochon with great coloring and wood grain patterns.  This fantastic material came from the Petrified Forest in northern Arizona.  Approx. size: 33x23  Weight: 33.8 cts.

Item# GCPW018
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Very pretty piece cut from Washington state material.  The color and shine kind of reminds me of a piece of toffee.  In fact, it's almost good enough to eat!  Approx. size: 20x13  Weight: 13.4 cts.

Item# GCPW019
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This fantastic cab is cut from material from the Petrified Forest in Arizona into the shape of a Norman kite shield.  The pastel yellows and light purple are striking together and make this cab prime material for a beautiful pendant or bracelet.  There is a flaw in the back of the stone, but it doesn't detract from the stone's beauty at all.   Approx. size 17x45  Weight: 30 cts.

Item# GCPW020
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Beuatiful, brilliant red free-form cut from Arizona material.  Approx. size: 35x19  Weight: 28.55 cts.

Item# GCPW021
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Wonderful, very woody material from Washigton state cut into a fantastic oval cabochon ready to be a beautiful pendant!  Approx. size: 13x22  Weight: 12.3 cts.

Item# GCPW022
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Very cool orange opalized wood from Washington state that I just acquired at Carolyn's Rock Shop in Republic, Mi.  Carolyn and her husband, both avid rockhounds, recently moved here from Washington and collected this material themselves.  I thought it had a really interesting color, although there isn't any wood grain patterns at all.  Approx, size: 16x24  Weight: 11.9 cts.

Item# GCPW023
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Rich orange color with a few darker and lighter spots throughout the gem.  Nice triangular stone perfect for a superb pendant.  Approx. size: 14x33  Weight: 17.3 cts.

Item# GCPW024
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Another pretty triangular gem cut from this elegant orange opalized material from Washington state. It would make a nice matching ring for a pendant made out of #GCPW023.  Approx. size: 8x20  Weight: 3.25 cts.

Item# GCPW025
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Exceptional egg-shaped cabochon of this handsome orange opalized wood from Washington state.  Approx. size: 9x16  Weight: 3.5 cts.