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Calcite Specimens

Calcite is a carbonate mineral and the most stable polymorph of calcium carbonate The other polymorphs are the aragonite and vaterite. Calcite is transparent to opaque and may occasionally show phosphorescence or fluorescence. It is perhaps best known because of its power to produce strong double refraction of light, such that objects viewed through a clear piece of calcite appear doubled.

Item# MSCA-001
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Golden calcite crystals up to 6mm on a bed of square, well-formed flesh-colored dolomite crystals.  I collected this specimen in 2007 in Felch, Mi.  Approx. size: 84x60x30  Weight: 124.2 grams  

Item# MSCA-002
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Pretty specimen of golden calcite crystals and drusy quartz on solid dolomite matrix from Felch, Mi.  Approx. size: 34x20x20  Weight: 13.7 grams

Item# MSCA-003
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Fantastic small specimen from Felch, Mi.  Nice calcite crystals on a bed of well-formed dolomite crystals.  Beautiful!  Approx. size: 30x25x20  Weight: 9.6 grams.

Item# MSCA-004
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Interesting cluster of iron-stained calcite crystals with pyrite on top of two pieces of shale that are cemented together with calcite.  Very nice specimen from Norway, Mi. I found this piece in the now closed Munro Mine, just to the west of town.  Approx. size: 97x80x41  Weight: 497.4 grams

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Item# MSCA-005
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Nice cluster of calcite crystals from the Munro Mine in Norway, Mi.  There are a few dolomite crystals around the outer edge in a few places.  The matrix is banded jasper and hematite and there are a few very small crystalline hematite blades on the back of the piece.  Approx. size: 63x66x49  Weight: 364.3 grams

Item# MSCA-006
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Very interesting piece from the Munro Mine in Norway, Mi.  A lot of the iron ore in the immediate area of Norway, Mi. is/was covered by a layer of calcite-cemented slate.  While I have yet to find any large crystals in this area, there are several examples of nice smaller well-formed crystals in vugs within the calcite holding the slate together.  This is a good representative piece of this type of formation from the Munro Mine.  Not only are there well-formed clear and white calcite crystals on this specimen, but there are also examples of the slate matrix as well as crystalline hematite and pyrite.  Approx. size: 57x44x27  Weight: 54.2 grams

Item# MSCA-007
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Another nice representative piece of the calcite/shale formations above the iron ore in Dickinson County, Mi.  This is almost a solid chunk of calcite with nicely-formed crystals all along one face.  Stuck into the back and bottom of the piece is several pieces of the shale matrix, and there is also some crystalline pyrite scattered around..  This specimen originates from the Munro Mine in Norway, Mi.  Approx. size: 55x37x40  Weight: 66 grams

Item# MSCA-008
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One more piece of calcite from the Munro Mine in Norway, Mi.  This has nice sharp dog-tooth crystals filling a vug in the calcite.  The specimen also contains some of the shale matrix.  Approx. size: 62x47x33 Weighs: 90 grams

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Item# MSCA-009
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Very pretty and interesting piece from Felch, Mi.  It has a lot of white drusy quartz on one side and well-formed dolomite crytals on the other side in addition to a cluster of calcite crystals on both sides of the specimen. Approx. size: 41x28x21  Weight: 24.3 grams

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Item# MSCA-010
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While out collecting massive limonite from Norway Hill in Norway, Mi., I came across this small stone with a partial vug lined with iron-stained calcite crystals.  I was quite surprised as I had never seen this before from a location where I collect frequently.  Since then I've found a couple more pieces, but none as nice as this one.  Approx. size: 55x33x21  Weight: 42.8 grams

Item# MSCA-011
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This is a plate of iron shale from the Munro Mine just outside of Norway, Mi. that is covered in tiny white dogtooth calcites and near cubic dolomite crystals.  Very interesting piece!   Approx, size: 106x111x11  Approx. weight: 350 grams

Item# MSCA-012
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Small, pretty specimen from the Munro Mine in Norway, Mi. with tiny white dogtooth crystal and a few dolomite crystals along one edge.  Approx. size: 40x32x5  Weight: 16.4 grams

Item# MSCA-013
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Fantastic cluster of light golden yellow crystals from Felch Mi.  Approx. size: 48x35x10  Weight: 33.6 grams

Item# MSCA-014
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This is a totally breathtaking specimen from the famous Groveland Mine in Randville, Mi.  Not only are there nice calcite crystals on top of the piece which one notices first, but you can also see some small dolomite crystals as well.  The whole specimen is spotted with specular hematite and it all rests on a piece of massive smoky quartz.  Approx. size: 75x81x54  Approx. weight: 375 grams

Item# MSCA-015
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This is a great little specimen from Felch, Mi. with well-defined golden dogtooth calcites lying upon a bed of tan dolomite crystals with a matrix of massive dolomite.  Approx. size: 55x28x23  Weight: 43.6 grams

Item# MSCA-016
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Small white crystals on iron ore with a smattering of tiny pyrite crystals on the bottom edge.  This specimen was collected in the now closed Groveland Iron Mine near Randville, Mi.  Approx. size: 60x75x38  Weight: 201.3 grams

Item# MSCA-017
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Exquisite specimen from Felch, Mi. with golden calcite crystals all along one side and more calcites perched atop dolomite and drusy  quartz crystals along another side.  there is also a few nice small pyrite/marcasite crystals scattered around the piece and one nice blade near the mouth of a vug that goes into the matrix of the specimen.  I can't really see into the vug, so I have no idea what's in there!  Unfortunately, there is a little damage from blasting at the quarry.  Approx. size: 68x60x33  Weight: 151.4 grams

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Item# MSCA-018
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Astounding specimen of calcite on pyrite and magnetite from Iron River, Mi.  Has some really well-developed magnetite crystals on the bottom side of the specimen.  Approx. size: 62x50x31  Weight: 147 gm.

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Item# MSCA-019
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I don't usually post so many pictures of one specimen, but look at it!  I don't think I could have shown the whole thing without so many photos.  I still have a few more too!  This si an amazing piece of dogtooth calcite crystals on massive limonite from Norway Hill, Norway, Mi.  Approx. size: 138x98x80  Weight: 1303 gm.

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