Jaspilite Specimens
Jaspilite is a local name for banded hematite and jasper that is found throughout the iron districts of
Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The hematite appears as a shiny metallic mineral while the jasper comes in a variety of
colors including red, yellow, black, white, brown, and maroon. I can supply wholesale quantites of this material as
both mineral specimens and cutting rough.

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This piece is visually dominated by two large bands of jasper, one brown, the other moving through various shades of
white, brown, red and black. In addition there are several thinner bands of hematite and brown jasper. This piece
comes from Norway, Mi and has been polished to a beautiful sheen across the top of the specimen. Approx. size: 70x40x15
Weight: 97.3 grams.

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Beautiful piece of oolitic jaspilite from the Groveland Mine near Randville, Mi. The spotted pattern reminds me
of jasperized dinosaur bone from Colorado, although the pattern is not as distinct as it is the dino bone. Measures
approx.: 60x43x27 Weight: 91.8 grams

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This awesome piece of banded jaspilite was speeding through my living room and suddenly came to a stop right there where
I photographed it. I figured since it stopped on the dime it must have good brakes. Actually, I found this piece
in a gravel pit in Iron Mountain, Mi. and realized right away that it was a fantastic little piece of this local gemstone.
One side has been polished to contrast the rough and finished surfaces. Approx. size: 65x47x23 Weight: 168.4 grams

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Dazzling piece from the Coleman Mine in Randville, Mi. with a nice oolitic pattern of hematite spots throughout brick
red jasper. One side has been polished on this excellent specimen. Approx. size: 44x38x42 Weight: 188.3