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Tremolite Spheres, Etc.

Tremolite is a member of the amphibole group of silicate minerals with composition: Ca2Mg5Si8O22H2. Tremolite forms by metamorphism of sediments rich in dolomite and quartz. Tremolite forms a series with actinolite and ferro-actinolite. Pure magnesium tremolite is creamy white, but the color grades to dark green with increasing iron content. It has a hardness on Mohs' scale of 5 to 6. Nephrite, one of the two minerals of the gemstone jade, is a green variety of tremolite. There's a tremolite location near my home in the town of Felch, Mi. The tremolite here ranges through white, light pink and different shades of green.

Item# GSTR001
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Beautiful polished free-form piece of tremolite that I collected in 2006.  This material is very elegant and reminds me of nephrite jade, although it's considerably softer.  Approx size: 49x38x20  Weight: 36 grams.

Item# GSTR002
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Fantasic light pastel green tremolite from Felch, Mi. cut into a feaceted free-form shape.  Approx. size: 50x30x18 Weight: 30.8 grams.

Item# GSTR003
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Another nice free-form faceted piece from material collected outside Felch, Mi.  Under extreme pressure tremolite can metamorphose into nephrite jade and this material reminds me a lot of the colors and patterns that I've seen in jade from Wyoming.  Approx. size: 34x22x14 Weight: 17.8 grams.

Item# GSTR004
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Beautiful white marble matrix with spots of gemmy green tremolite.  Can you imagine how awesome this material would be if it had metamorphosed into jade!  Approx. size: 25x22x14  Weight: 13.4 grams.

Item# GSTR005
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Another beautiful piece of rich green tremolite from Felch, Mi.  Approx. size: 47x35x14  Weight: 30.5 grams.

Item# GSTR006
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Very cool little free-form with small spots of shiny pyrite, and what I believe is mica giving it a sparkle akin to aventurine.  Approx. size: 29x26x19  Weight: 22.6 grams

Item# GSTR007
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This piece is bi-colored running from a lime green to white.  Approx. size: 41x18x10  Weight: 13.1 grams

Item# GSTR008
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This beautiful pink tremolite comes from the same location in Felch as the green does, but it's a little harder to find in gemmy pieces that are suitable for cutting.  This is a fantastic piece displaying a great sparkling effect.  Approx. size: 45x30x20  Weight: 28.2 grams

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