Apatite Rough
Apatite may be regarded as a single mineral, but is usually divided into three more minerals:
Fluorapatite, Chlorapatite, and Hydroxylapatite. Since it is hard to distinguish
between these minerals, and since they may partially replace each other, a distinction between them is rarely made, and they
are simply called "Apatite". However, most Apatite is Fluorapatite, the most common member by far.
Apatite is the most common phosphate mineral, and is the main source of the phosphorus required
by plants. The bones and teeth of most animals, including humans, are of the same material as Apatite.
Apatite is named from the Greek word apate, which means "deceit", since Apatite has a
similar appearance to so many minerals.

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Fantastic neon blue material from Africa. Unfortunately these awesome pieces are small, but they'll make some exquisite
melee stones or small cabs. Total weight: 12.5 cts.

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Twenty carat parcel of neon blue/green material from Africa. These are mostly eye clean stones that will cut
small cabs and melee stones. The color is really fantastic!

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Great, blocky, eye-clean piece of green apatite from Madagascar. Approximate size is 7.5x9x7.5 and it weighs 5.11

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Another nice piece of green material from Madagascar. Very clean. Approx. size: 8.5x6x7.5 Weight: 6.05

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The color of this piece of material from Madagascar is just fantastic! There is a pretty major flaw in this stone
though, relegating it to a practice stone, or cabbing material. Approx. size: 9x7x6.5 Weight: 5.55 cts.

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Another 20 carat parcel of mostly eye-clean smaller stones suitable for small cabs or melee stones. This neon blue/green
colored material from Madagascar makes extremely attractive gemstones.