Jaspilite Rough
Jaspilite is a local name for banded hematite and jasper that is found throughout the iron districts of
Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The hematite appears as a shiny metallic mineral while the jasper comes in a variety of
colors including red, yellow, black, white, brown, and maroon. I can supply wholesale quantites of this material as
both mineral specimens and cutting rough. All photos taken of wet material.

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Five pounds of awesome tumbling rough from Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The material in these five pound lots is
a mixture of pieces from several different locations. Averages about 1" in size.

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Select piece of oolitic cabbing rough from the Groveland Mine in Randville, Mi. Approx. size: 4¼"x3¼"x1¼" Weight:
1lb. 14oz.

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Unusual oolitic patterned piece from the Groveland Mine, Randville, Mi., with white quartz scattered throughout the piece
making a great contrast against the black hematite and red jasper. Approx. size: 4"X 3"X1½" Approx. weight: 1
lb. 5 ozs.

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Nice piece from the Groveland Mine with bright colors and good banding. Approx. size: 4½"X3"X1½" Approx.
weight: 1¼ lbs.

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The thin bands in the black areas didn't come out real well in the photo, but those areas look better than the areas
with the maroon and brown bands of jasper. This piece was found in Norway, Mi. Approx. size: 3¼"X3½"X2"
Approx. weight: 2lbs. 3ozs.

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Nice piece from the Groveland Mine in Randville, Mi with oolitic jasper on a hematite backing. This material may
undercut where the hematite is and I don't suggest cutting this if you're a beginner, but it makes some very, very remarkable
cabs! Approx. size: 4"X3¾"X1½" Approx. weight: 1lb 10 ozs.

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Interesting piece from the Groveland Mine with veins of white quartz and big "splotches" of bright red jasper against
metallic hematite. Approx. size: 5½"X4"X1¾" Approx. weight: 4 lbs.

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I never get disappointed when I go collecting at the old Groveland Mine. I always find at least one or two good
pieces of cutting rough on every trip and this piece is no exception! Approx. size: 5"X4½"X1¾" Approx. weight:
3 lbs. 5 ozs.

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Excellent piece with vivid red colored bands running through mettalic hematite. Originally from the Groveland Mine
in Randville, Mi. Approx. size: 8½"x8x6½"
Weight: Approx. 24lbs

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Top grade piece of oolitic material from the Groveland Mine in Randville, Mi. Seriously impressive cutting material!
Approx. size: 7½"x6½"x4" Weight: 12lbs

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Excellent piece with distinctive red banding! Collected from the now closed historic Groveland Mine in Randville, Mi. Approx.
size: 7½"x6"x5½" Weight: 17.8 lbs

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Remarkable pice from the Groveland Mine in randville, Mi. with enticing jasper and hematite banding. Approx. size:
9"x5½"x4½" Guestimate weight: 18lbs.

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Top notch piece of oolitic material. The banded rough looks better, but I personally think the oolitic material
makes better cabochons. Approx. size: 8½"x5"x4¾" Weight: 13.4 lbs.

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Aqwesome piece of oolitic rough from the Groveland Mine in Randville, Mi. Approx. size: 10¼"x6¼"x4½" Weight:
24 lbs.

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Smallish nicely banded material with darker than usual jasper that I collected in my home town of Norway, Mi. Approx.
size: 4"x3½"x1¾" Weight: 1lb. 10ozs.

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It's hard to see that this is some choice rough becuase the outside has been pretty weathered. This was actually
collected at the famous Jasper Knob in Ishpeming, Mi. Collecting is no longer allowed there and I was lucky enough to
acquire several pieces from there that were collected back in the 1950s. This is a great chance to own some rough from
this classic, now closed, location! Approx. size: 4½"x4¼"x2¾" Weight: 3lbs. 10ozs.

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This is not only an extremely incredible piece of rough, but it's huge too! Nice oolitic patterns make this a AAA
piece form the Groveland Mine, Randville, Mi. The surface in the photo was ground flat a little. Approx.
size: 11¾"x8"x6½" Weight: 22.6lbs.

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Bands of oolitic jasper through rich metallic hematite! Ooooooo! Approx. size: 7¾"x4¼"x3½" Weight: 7lbs.

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This stone is sitting right inside the doorway of my rockshop and almost everyone that enters says something about it.
It certainly is a stunning piece of rough! Approx. size: 8"x7½"x6¼" Weight: 36.2lbs.

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While attending the Ishpeming Rock & Mineral Club's annual show in August of 2011 with my son, we decided to
do a little prospecting while in the area. We were able to collect a few choice pieces of jasplite later in
the day before heading home. Here's one of those pieces. Approx. size: 6½"x4¾"x2¾" Weight: 4lbs. 12oz.

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Here's another piece that I collected near the Cliff Mine in Ishpeming, Mi. Nice color and patterns! Approx.
size: 7½"x4¾"x3½" Weight: 9.2 lbs.

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The jasper is quite a bit darker on this piece, more maroon than red, but the hematite honestly, looks a lot sparklier.
I had a small piece like this before that I collected in the same area around Ishpeming, Mi. and I polished a window onto
side. I sold it right away, otherwise I'd put up a link to show you how cool this looks when polished. Approx.
size: 5¾"x3"x2½" Weight: 4lb. 1oz.

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Beautiful piece of amterial collected near the Cliff Mine in Ishpeming, Mi. Approx. size: 9¼"X7¼"x3" Weight:

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