Quartz, Page 4: Metronite Quarry, Mi.
Located at the north end of the Menominee Iron District in Dickinson County, Michigan is the historic mining
town of Felch. Besides several iron mines located in the area, including the famous Calumet Iron Mine, there was also
a stone quarry located east of town named the Metronite Quarry. Including quartz, the Metronite is the host of two dozen
different minerals including calcite, dolomite, several iron minerals, and actinolite/tremolite. It's a favorite collecting
location of mine and you can find several specimens of these other minerals in their respective categories.

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Beautifully formed, shiny, milky white crystals on a bed of nicely formed, square, flesh-colored dolomite crystals.
These crystals form inside of vugs in Randville dolomite, which was formed by fossil stromatolites (a variety of blue/green
algae) during the early part of the Proterozoic Era in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. This specimen was collected
near Felch Mi. from the old Metronite Quarry. Approx. size: 80x50x20, Weight: 87 grams.

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Fantastic specimen from the old Metronite Quarry near Felch, Mi. with white and pink quartz crystals all around the piece.
Interspersed amongst the quartz are crystals of tan dolomite and metallic pyrite. Approx. size: 45x26x23 Weight:
27.2 grams

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Very interesting specimen from classic old Metronite Quarry in Felch, Mi. Well-formed milky white quartz crystals
lying amidst a bed of gemmy dolomite cubes, and the whole piece is covered with a smattering of pyrite crystals!
Approx size: 60x35x26 Weight: 43.4 grams

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Great piece of sparkly white drusy quartz on a bed of tan dolomite crytals, all sitting on a solid dolomite matrix.
This piece comes from the old Metronite Quarry in Felch, Mi. Approx. Size: 40x20x30 Weight: 23.5 grams

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Wonderful specimen of opaque pink and white crystals from the Metronite Quarry near Felch, Mi. There are also some
well-formed cube-like dolomite crystals scattered about the quartz and the massive dolomite matrix. Approx. size: 58x36x18
Weight: 66.9 grams

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Interesting specimen from the Metronite Quarry, Felch, Mi. with bubbly drusy quartz stained a light reddish color from
iron on one side and a few smaller white and pink quartz lined vugs on the other side. One side has a slight green
staining from chromium mica. Approx. size:50x42x34 Weight: 74.3 grams

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This is a really unique and wonderful specimen of sparkling milky white and pink drusy quartz crystals with tan cube-like
dolomite crystals scattered all over from Felch, Mi.. Approx. size: 62x37x33 Weight: 60 grams

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Way cool specimen from Felch, Mi. with a pocket of yellow colored drusy quartz crystals that literally sparkle in the
light, and the other side is covered with drusy red crystals! Approx. size: 55x28x26 Weight: 31.2 grams

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Appealing litle cluster of milky white quartz crystals mixed with a bunch of tannish dolomite crystals. Very, very
attractive thumbnail specimen from the old Metronite Quarry in Felch, Mi. Mounted in a 1½" perky box. Approx.
size: 20x11x11 Weight: 2.2 gm.